Wednesday 13 August 2008

Today sucked.

Ugh, so today has been a hideous day all round, if I'm being honest. I got up late and missed the early train. While I was brushing my teeth, I threw up in the sink -- and missed my late train, too. I ended up getting into my shift half an hour late. u.u;;; Then it rained, no, POURED while I was on the train, and when I got into work the front of the store was like, flooded.

So then it was okay for a while, because we had an eensy-tiny delivery for the department (like, one pallet. xD) which, yes, did take me two hours to put out because I was wasting lots of time by tidying and making the department look nice.

Then there was a call out for for multi-skillers, and I went and used the till for THE FIRST TIME SINCE MY APRIL TRAINING. I was ... Panicky. xD But it was okay, and people came stood with me so I didn't fuck up too bad.

And then as I was coming home I was like, ouch, wtf is that on my butt? And when I got home I had a look and it was like, THE BIGGEST SPOT IN THE WORLD and was taking over my arse cheek. So I had a nap and then got my mum to come get rid of it because it was in the most awkward place EVAR. And then I had a go once she'd like, broken the skin and all this blood came shooting out and went all over my hands and made a real popping noise and everything. It was disgusting. Then I had a bath to rid myself of the disgusting-ness.

So, that was my horrible, disgusting, bodily-fluid filled day. I WANT IT TO BE TOMORROW. D<

(Also, yes, I KNOW I said I would not talk about work in here, but ... Sod it, it needed to be said somewhere other than my LJ).

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